"Dorothy Bennett Mercy Center provides programs that empower families in an urban community to achieve well-being and self-sufficiency".
"Dorothy Bennett Mercy Center provides programs that empower families in an urban community to achieve well-being and self-sufficiency".
The Dorothy Bennett Mercy Center, Inc. (DBMC) was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1995 to provide an after-school program for the children of neighborhood immigrants. We offer continually evolving programs that meet the needs of families in the Fort Greene and Bedford Stuyvesant community. Our programs strive to address real life problems that face the working poor such as violence, drugs, unemployment, discrimination, illiteracy, and lack of affordable housing.
We believe:
Parents are a child's primary teachers.
Parents and teachers benefit from the caring support of an extended family. This support includes positive interaction with role models and mentors who have access to educational resources and vital social services.
Self-respect is crucial for one's social, spiritual and emotional development.
Good Communication skills increase independence and self-esteem.
Programs geared to effectively serve families require continuous restructuring to meet their changing needs and opportunities.